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Thursday, April 14, 2011

"Embracing the Significance of Your Self Esteem and Confidence"

 Who is the woman in the mirror?

  • The woman in the mirror is the face of  every female creation in the world
  • She is not judged by her specified race, color or creed
  • She is not categorized by her level of education, personal background, career/profession, geographical area or past/present
  • She carries a world-renowned title as the "glue" that holds it all together
  • She is strong and mighty
  • She has endured some challenges but strives to stay focused and move forward
  • She has the heart, will and mind to be the best that she can possibly be

When you look in the mirror what is the first thing that comes to mind? 
  • Are you happy or ecstatic?
  • Are you sad or depressed?
  • Are you confused or have mixed feelings?            

 "I am happy with who I am and where I am in life"

"I am sad when I let people or my problems get the best of me"

"To be honest, I do not know how I am feeling. I'm so confused.  I often put on a facade to show that I am happy on the outside, when I am actually hurting on the inside"


Why am I "happy or ecstatic?" 
  1. I love myself
  2. I am living life to the fullest
  3. My family bond is extraordinary
  4. I am proud of my accomplishments
  5. I give of myself and help others in need
  6. I maintain a positive attitude
  7. I walk in expectancy
  8. My circle of friends are positive and share common goals
  9. I rise above adversity and make the best of every situation

Why am I "sad or depressed?"
  1. I am too thin or overweight
  2. I am not attractive
  3. My past continues to haunt me and I am unable to move forward
  4. I am intimidated by rejection
  5. My family is in a disarray
  6. I have not succeeded at anything
  7. My relationships are always in shambles
  8. I blame myself for everything that goes wrong

Why am I "confused or have mixed feelings?" 

(There's always that word "but" that separates my denial vs acceptance)
  1. I love life but...
  2. I love myself but...
  3. I have accomplished a few things but...
  4. I like helping others but...
  5. I can have a positive attitude but...
At one time of another, women will experience one or all of the categories above

In most cases when we experience sadness, depression or confusion/mixed feelings, they often are results of the following:

  • Some have endured mental, physical and verbal hurt or pain
  • Some have been betrayed by people they once trusted
  • Some are very hard on themselves.  Meaning, they are their worst critics
  • Some feel that they are not strong enough to press through their circumstances
  • Some wait on things to be given to them instead of taking the initiative to make great things happen
  • Some have become complacent (comfortable) where they are in life
  • Some blame others for the person they are or have become
  • Some believe they are the only one is going or has gone through their particular dilemma  
  • Some have put other people's happiness before their very own
  • Some are looking for love in all the wrong places
  • The most devastating of all, ...Some have given up on life in every aspect

When one has reached the "Give Up" stage, you have welcomed "SATAN" as your new BFF...Best Friend Forever!!!


By facing and accepting reality, there is a solution! 

Do you know what you must do?

Say good bye to Yesterday....TODAY!

Choose "life" and reach for the stars because the sky is the limit. 


Here is a prescription just for you...

Name of Medication: Strength, Empowerment and Self Esteem 
Directions: Take a dose three times a day (morning,noon and night)
Results: Guaranteed to make you think twice as highly of yourself
Caution: Overdose can have negative side effects

Advice from Lady A:
  1. Talk to someone you can trust. Someone who will listen "not" just hear you and can offer sound advice
  2. Read self-help books to obtain knowledge and tips from women who have experienced similar circumstances
  3. Make a conscious decision and effort to Live Your Best Life Now!

You are a Queen of the most high.  What does this mean? 
It simply means this...

Boldly State Your Name "__________" and say

Move from the DARKNESS to LIGHT my sister!!!


How do I continue to build and maintain my 
Self Esteem and Confidence from this day forward?

Here are 12 Essential Ways

  1. Stop comparing yourself to others.  There will always be some people who have more than you and some that have less.  If you play the comparison game, you will run into too many "opponents" that you can't defeat.
  2. Stop putting yourself down. You can't develop high self esteem if you repeat negative phrases about yourself and your abilities.  Whether speaking about your appearances, your career, your relationships, your financial situations, or any other aspects of your life, avoid self-deprecating comments.
  3. Accept all compliments with "Thank You!" Have you ever received a compliment and replied, "Oh, It was nothing".  When you reject a compliment, the message that you are giving yourself is that you are not worthy of praise. 
  4. Use positive affirmations to enhance your self esteem. On a piece of paper, write out a statement such as, "I like and accept myself" or "I am a valuable, lovable person and deserve the best in life". Carry the card and repeat the affirmation several times a day especially at night before you go to bed and when you get up in the morning. Whenever you say the affirmation, allow yourself to experience positive feelings about your statement.
  5. Take advantage of workshops, books, and CDs/tapes on self esteem.  Whatever material you allow to dominate your mind will eventually take root and affect your behavior.  If you watch negative television, programs or read newspaper articles on murders and business rip offs; you will grow cynical and pessimistic (negative and/or skeptical).  Similarly, if you read books or listen to programs, that are positive in nature, you will take on these characteristics.
  6. Associate with positive, supportive people.  When you are surrounded by negative people who constantly put you and your ideas down, your self esteem is lowered.  On the other hand, when you are accepted and encouraged, you feel better about yourself in the best possible environment to raise your self esteem
  7. Make a list of your past accomplishments.  It can include minor victories like learning to scrapbook or receiving an award, promotion or reaching a goal.  Read this list often.  While reviewing it, close your eyes and recreate the feeling of satisfaction and joy you experienced when you first attained each success
  8. Make a list of your positive qualities.  Be generous and write at least 20 and read them often.  Most women dwell on their inadequacies and then wonder why their life isn't working out. Start focusing on your positive traits and you'll stand a much better chance of achieving what you wish to achieve.
  9. Start giving more (not monetarily).  Rather, give more of yourself to those around you.  When you are doing things for others, you are making a positive contribution and you begin to feel more valuable,which in turn, lifts your spirits and raises your own self esteem.
  10. Get involved in work and activities that you love.  It's hard to feel good about yourself if your days are spent in work you despise.  Self esteem flourishes when you are engaged in work and activities that you enjoy and make you feel valuable.  Even if you can't alternative career options at the present time, you can still devote leisure time to hobbies and activities, which you will find stimulating and enjoyable.
  11. Be true to yourself.  Live your own life - not the life others have decided is the best for you.  You'll never gain your own respect and feel good about yourself if you aren't leading the life your want to lead.  If you are making decisions based on getting approval from friends and relatives, you aren't being true to yourself and your self esteem is lowered.
  12. Take ACTION.  You won't develop high self esteem if you sit on the sidelines and back away from challenges.  When you take action regardless of the ensuing result - you feel better about yourself.  When you fail to move forward because of fear and anxiety, you'll be frustrated and unhappy - and you will undoubtedly deal with a damaging blow to your self esteem.


Get excited about who you are!  Be grateful and proud of your accomplishments. Walk with your head high as you uphold the new found meaning of the embracing the significance of your self esteem and confidence TODAY...not TOMORROW!


You are phenomenal and  I believe that you can do it because you symbolize 

The Woman In The Mirror

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